Confidential Services

Penn Violence Prevention

Penn Violence Prevention (PVP) engages the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment on campus. They foster collaborative relationships across campus to ensure a survivor-centered, multi-faceted approach to support services and primary prevention. 

LGBT Center

The LGBT Center is a safe, welcoming environment that allows you to explore your identity and sexuality through an intersectional lens and social justice framework.  We maintain an open-door policy that focuses on education, support, and advocacy through organizational advising, leadership development, event co-sponsorship, access to Alumni, event and conference programming, and mentorship opportunities. In addition, we offer computer access which includes free printing in our Bohnett Cybercenter. 

Student Counseling 

Student Health and Counseling (formerly SHS and CAPS) is the primary care and psychological care division of Wellness at Penn. Our state-of-the-art medical and counseling centers are designed to provide high-quality, compassionate care for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students during their academic journey. Student Health and Counseling is committed to providing safe, accessible, cost-effective, culturally-sensitive, and student-focused care. Our team provides care for acute and chronic health problems, preventative health services, as well as mental health and counseling, crisis management, and consultations.